Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin

There are at least three Emilys that I know of that read this blog. And they each recommend books to me. Thanks! This is another Emily-recommended book.

This story takes place in rural Mississippi in the late 1970s. Silas and Larry are unlikely friends (black, white, poor, middle class, etc.) until there's a crime that Larry allegedly commits. Their friendship is broken. Twenty years later, they are both back in the same small town when a girl is murdered and Larry is suspected. Secrets come out and their friendship is reconsidered.

The Emily that recommended this one to me loved it. I didn't love it...but now that I type that, I am remembering that I was trying to figure out when I would have time to read it (for example, I thought: Ok, if I get to work early, I'll have 15 minutes to read), so maybe I did like it more than I thought. Didn't love it, but I did like it and it's a solid novel that reads easily.


Notorious MLE said...

I knew that Monkeytown book was from an Emily. :)

Emily Gee-Clark said...

I'm the Emily who recommended this book. The way that Amazon described the book is "southern noir" which is the type of book (and movie) that I really like. So if you are into "noir" too, you might like this one.