Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Chosen by Chaim Potok

Reading books by Chaim Potok feels like coming home to me. Which is strange because I've never lived in New York City and I'm not Jewish. But it does make sense when I consider how accurately Potok writes about the human experience. When I read Potok's books (my favorite is My Name is Asher Lev) I feel more deeply connected with myself and with life. I'm also reminded, because of the many references in the book, that God is the Master of the Universe.

This is the story of an unlikely friendship between two boys: Reuven, an Orthodox Jew, and Danny, a Hasidic Jew. The story takes place in New York during the 1940s and traces Reuven and Danny's friendship through adolescence and college. They struggle with all aspects of life (relationships with fathers, politics, academic goals, career aspirations) and really engage in finding out who they are, what they value, and how to support each other.

Re-reading this book last week made me think about when I first read it, back in the fall of 2004. It's one of the few books that I associate with a specific period in my life. I re-read Potok's books, and will probably continue to do so, because the feeling of coming home is one that always brings comfort no matter what else is going on.

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