Monday, August 2, 2010

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender

At age nine, Rose discovers that she can taste the emotions of the person who cooked the food that she eats.

I have several comments about this book:
1. This is another book that doesn't have any quotation marks, and I read the whole thing!

2. I don't think I really understood this book. It's in that whole magical realism genre. Hum, I think my sister wrote her Senior Thesis on magical realism, maybe I'll ask her to explain it to me.

3. But besides thinking that I did not totally "get" this book, I somehow did like it. I would probably like it better if I understood what happened. So dear readers, if any of you read this book, maybe you can let me know what happened at the end.


Emily Gee-Clark said...

George dies at the end. Oh wait, that was the other magical realism book. Maybe I get these books more than you, but I'm also the one who had imaginary friends while growing up.

Elaine said...

Yes, let me know what happens at the end of this one.