Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Overachievers: The Secret Lives of Driven Kids by Alexandra Robbins

In high school, I wouldn't have described myself as driven (and I still wouldn't). I worked hard enough to get into the university that I wanted to go to. In college, I wasn't that driven either. I chose a major that I loved to study but I didn't have any grand aspirations for how I would use it after graduation. And in graduate school, well, I'm taking an extra year to finish the program.

I want to do well in whatever I do...and this applies to graduate school and training for this profession, but it also applies to taking care of myself and being fully present to my family and friends and to life. It also helps that I don't like to be busy. I'm not in a rush to get anywhere fast (maybe this also explains why I drive the speed limit!). I like to enjoy the journey and I like to get at least eight hours of sleep every night.

So all that to say that reading about overachieving high school juniors and seniors made me stressed out! This book follows a handful of high school students at a competitive high school back east. Stress mania! It's quite crazy what kids do these days to get into college. The students come to life throughout the book and I enjoyed getting to know them and wanted the best for them. There are, however, random essays interspersed (like on competition to get into pre-school) that interrupted the flow of the book.

I was very aware that this high school seemed quite affluent, where students have the opportunities to participate in every kind of extracurricular activity available and have additional resources to help them out (like tutors, college application coaches, private lessons, etc.). Most of them also had the financial means to attend any university, private or public, that they were accepted to. Not all of us have that chance.

So, an interesting and pretty fast read. However, I do recommend, based on my experience, to not read it during Finals week. It kinda stressed me out more than I already am. =D

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