Sunday, January 9, 2011

Unclutter Your Life in One Week by Erin Rooney Doland

The rest of this title is “A 7-Day Plan to Organize Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life!”

I started this book at the beginning of a stay-cation week. The first day, it inspired me to clean out a closet and medicine cabinet. The next days, I just read the rest of the book for the helpful tips about uncluttering. (Also, I got pulled into reading the Marta’s Legacy books as described in the post below.)

I did make a change to my house based on a suggestion in the book to make a “Reception Station.” This is the area you first step into when you come home. Yesterday, I set up a shelf that gives my work bag a home, and I put a Recycling Bin for paper there so mail can be easily recycled. It makes me smile because it looks so much organized than having bags, mail, and shoes intermingling on the floor.

This book had helpful hints. Some hints would apply more to if you work in an office environment. But the 7-day regimen was a bit ambitious for me. This is going to be more of a slower process.

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