Monday, October 9, 2017

Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg

Hi there! Phew! A lot has been going on in our family and home life, and it's just been in the last week that I've been able to think a little bit beyond our home. 

I am about 20 books behind, so I am gonna try to catch up by continuing to give you shorter posts each day until I'm caught up.

After reading Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In, I was a bit conflicted. You can read about my torn feelings here. Option B is about her experience of grief after her husband suddenly dies while they are on vacation. I liked Option B so much better. It was like hearing from a different Sheryl Sandberg, and I'm sure she is very changed after this devastating experience. She comes across as much more human, kind, and compassionate. She, along with Adam Grant, offer insights into grief and very practical ways to care for yourself and others.

One important thing I learned was to not say, "Just let me know if you need anything!" to someone going through a tough time. Offer something concrete. This was so helpful. So I texted my neighbor who is going through chemo right now to say, "I have banana bread for you. Can I bring it over? Or just leave it on your porch?"So much more helpful.

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