This book is about the role that food and place play in healing and restoration.
The author's husband is recovering from being shot while working as a foreign-correspondent, and then falls into a depression. Doctors, meds, therapists, and friends all aid in his recovery, but the simple routine of eating well, taking things slowly, and sinking into the moment and whatever it holds is also key in her husband's recovery and her own self-care as she cares for him.
This book was subtle and soothing. I appreciate her descriptions of depression and what it looks like, and how fragile someone can be while depressed. This is not something that is always talked about.
Elaine, I doubt you remember me but I was friends with your sis in high school. Awhile back, I stumbled across your blogs through your sisters. I have enjoyed reading them. I have even bought books based on your reviews. I used to read your other blog too until it was password protected and then I totally forgot about it. I would love to read it again.
Hi Lily,
Yes I remember you! Thank you for reading my blog! I hope that the books you bought based on my reviews turned out to be good reading for you! =D If you have any book recommendations, I'm always looking for a good book to read. =D
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