Monday, July 5, 2010

Two is Enough: A Couple's Guide to Living Childless by Choice by Laura S. Scott

Last weekend, Boomer's family got together for his grandma's 90th birthday. As we were driving there, I made a deal with Boomer - for every time that someone asked me when we were going to have children, we would go out for sushi.

Within five minutes of walking into the restaurant, his uncle asked when we were planning on starting on family....Sushi Dinner #1! Two other people asked (Sushi Dinner #2 and #3!), so lots of sushi is in my future. I love raw salmon.

It is assumed that every couple will have children. The question I get is: "WHEN will you have kids?" not "Are you going to have kids?"

Hey, I haven't even been married for six months yet.

This book is about choosing not to have children. The author surveyed child-free by choice couples and she discusses the most common reasons people cite for choosing to not have children. She also talks about various reactions that child-free couples receive. It really is assumed out there that everyone wants and will have children.

A lot of my friends are in some stage of having kids - they are either trying to have kids, pregnant, or have just given birth.

There is a choice to be made about whether or not to have kids, and this was a helpful book for me to read.

Now, time for one of those sushi dinners.

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