Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hector and the Search for Happiness by Francois Lelord

Hector is a psychiatrist who sets off around the world determined to figure out what makes people happy. He travels to China, Africa, and the US, interviews people and jots down his observations in a notebook.

The writing is simple and the chapters are short, but it got a bit tiring at the end. This book reminded me some of Antoine de St. Exupery's The Little Prince because it's whimsical. There is another book that follows this one, but I'll pass. This one was enough for this bear.


DuMei said...

Have you read "A Geography of Bliss"? It's a similar concept but looks more at the country (both happy and unhappy) as a whole. I really enjoyed it. It will make you want to travel all over though.

Elaine said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm gonna check this out from the library today.