Thursday, July 5, 2012

In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien

John Wade is running for a US Senate seat, but after stories of atrocities he committed as a soldier in Vietnam come to light, he loses by a landslide. After the election, John and his wife, Kathy, spend some time together at a cottage by a lake. But within days of their arrival, Kathy has disappeared.

This book is fiction, but based on true events. It's part mystery, and part exploration of secrets and what happens when we don't speak about things that we've seen or done, and how those secrets can unravel relationships.

This is not lighthearted beach reading. It's a rather serious read that contains some graphic descriptions of war violence. Not for the beach, but good if you're looking for a quality read. If you don't like reading about war though, I'd suggest you skip this book.

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