Monday, November 12, 2012

Happier at Home: Kiss More, Jump More, Abandon a Project, Read Samuel Johnson, and My Other Experiments in the Practice of Everyday Life by Gretchen Rubin

This is a sequel of sorts to Rubin's bestseller The Happiness Project. In her newest year-long project, she focuses on making changes in order to make her home a happier place. She focuses on a different theme each month, such as Parenting, Time, and Marriage, and chooses several goals to work on.

One of her goals was to "Create shrines." Rubin writes that we enjoy our possessions more when similar things are grouped together. She's a fan of children's literature, so she put all of these books together so she could enjoy them all.

I decided to try this out and re-organized the wall of books in my house. I put all of the Harry Potters on one shelf, all of the Chronicles of Narnia on one shelf, and all of the Lord of the Rings on yet another shelf. Indeed, seeing all of the series together did make me happier. I then grouped all of the other books according to subject. This made me even happier, and I enjoy looking at the bookshelves much more now.

Overall, this book was interesting to read. In general, I like Rubin, but she does come across as pretentious and busy! She is so task and results oriented that I feel tired after reading everything that she strives after. I'd love to see her write a book on Rest.

Also, she makes it pretty clear that her family is very well-off, and I think this is what allows her to spend money on family portraits and creating a miniature scene in a kitchen cupboard, etc. which is definitely not really an option for a lot of families in order to make home a happier place.

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