Monday, September 9, 2013

Lost in Suburbia: How I Got Pregnant, Lost Myself, and Got My Cool Back in the New Jersey Suburbs by Tracy Beckerman

In my profession, August is the start of the year cycle, so there's extra trainings and meetings. I knew that the last several weeks would be especially busy which meant that I'd have less time to read. I wanted something light and easy to read in the spare moments I did have, and this book fit the bill.

Beckerman worked in television in New York City before having kids. When the kids started coming, and her family needed more space (and more than one toilet), she and her husband decided to move to New Jersey. She quit her job and became a stay-at-home-mom. After she's pulled over while wearing a bathrobe, she becomes determined to find her "cool" once again and reclaim herself.

The "finding her cool" part was a bit thin. The story was much heavier on the self-deprecation.

Well, I needed something light, funny, and distracting from the busyness of the last weeks, so this book worked well. However, not something I would highly recommend or anything.

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