Sunday, August 26, 2012

10 1/2 Things No Commencement Speaker Has Ever Said by Charles Wheelan

This is a quick, little read based on Wheelan's 2011 Class Day speech at Dartmouth College. Some of his points include: Some of your worst days lies ahead of you, Read obituaries, Take time off, Don't try to be great, and Your parents don't want what is best for you.

As you can see, the title of the book is fitting. This book does not contain advice typically heard in the run-of-the-mill commencement speech.

Wheelan's advice is helpful and centered around what's important in life and how to follow your heart. He challenges the students (and us) to live consciously and to know what they are going after and why.

I especially appreciated his point about not trying to be great. Instead, he quotes something a news program host told him about being on live television: "Don't try to be great. Just be solid."

You can easily read this book in less than an hour, and I recommend that you check it out.

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